Assigning tickets to team groups

Next you will need to add tickets to groups.  There are several ways to do this, both manually and at the time of ticket creation.   


  1. Helpcenter form: A dropdown on the create ticket page will prompt users to select a support group for their message, giving them a choice from all groups that have the”show on helpcenter” option turned on.

  2. Admin form: Agents creating tickets through the “Add new Ticket” form in the admin will have the option to assign the ticket to a group by selecting from a dropdown.  Similar to the helpcenter menu, any groups that have the “show on admin” option turned on will be displayed.

  3. Ticket management: Administrators can assign tickets to specific groups from either the detailed ticket view, or using bulk operations.

  4. Incoming email address or alias: Tickets created via incoming email can be assigned to groups by using special email addresses: Either by emailing or by using an email alias-

  5. Trigger: Tickets can also be automatically assigned to a group through the use of triggers.

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