Enabling LDAP for your account

Helpy has built in support for LDAP and Active Directory (AD) authentication. You can use this to create single sign on for your agents, users, or both.  To enable LDAP support, admins can locate the LDAP SSO panel in the system settings and provide the required options. 

Enable the feature by switching it on. The LDAP configuration expects a number of values, described below. Your actual implementation may vary some from the example above.

LDAP Host:
Enter the hostname for your LDAP server.

LDAP Port:
Enter the port you use to connect to your LDAP server.  Defaults to 389.

User Attribute:
The attribute name your directory uses for the DN.  On most LDAP implementations this would be 'uid'.  On Windows Active Directory this is usually "sAMAccountName".

Base Search:
Enter the search root for your directory where user accounts can be found.  This may include one or more organizational units (ou) and dcs. Example: ou=Users,dc=yourdomain,dc=com

Search Filter:
The search filter is used to find and authenticate the user with a directory after binding has been successful.  Helpy uses a default search filter to find the user by the specified User Attribute. 

The default filter is: (|({User Attribute}={entered text})(mail={entered text}))

You can use your own filter by entering here.

Use a Binding User?
This toggles whether or not your LDAP directory requires a user and password to bind.  If all users in your directory can bind, leave this off.

Bind DN:
Enter the DN of the user that has bind access to the directory.  Example: uid=SystemUser,ou=Users,dc=yourdomain,dc=com

Bind Password:
Enter the password of the Bind User.

Default role:
The default role is important, as all users connecting to your Helpy will be given the chosen role to start.  If you are using LDAP to authenticate agents, setting this to ‘agent’ would be appropriate. But if you are using LDAP to authenticate customers, make sure you set it to “user”.

Note: After logging in the first time, the user/agent will continue to have the same role unless you change it by editing their profile.

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